There's only one problem with it: nobody uses horses anymore. 'Cavalry' means tanks now, or even helicopters. (Nobody uses swords, either.)
But let's take the concept of cavalry, and extend it forward - an elite strike force whose job is to shock the enemy with their sudden blow and then get away before they can retaliate. Sounds like a fighter or fighter-bomber pilot. So let's create the truly modern pentathlon:
- Fighter combat sim. Plenty of them available. Networked for head-to-head combat, round-robin or pool play or what have you.
- Shooting. Service pistol would be best, although they'd probably do the same wimpy air gun as now.
- Orienteering. Here's a map and a compass. Fastest person to reach all the checkpoints wins.
- Swimming.
- Running. (As opposed to orienteering; this time, you've got a set course.)
Anyway, treat it like you do now - score each part, use that to determine when everybody starts for the final run.
1 comment:
To keep it more in line with the original idea, make the first event a driving course in a northeast African style Technical.
I'm also thinking that combining the orienteering, running, and shooting practicals into a "find your way to this location, assault the target, as quickly as possible" event would be cool, but it does tend to kill the "pentathlon" idea.
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